Medical-Surgical Center for Digestive Diseases

Tel: +34 91 562 02 90

C/ Oquendo 23, Madrid


General and digestive system surgeons of CMED perform all surgical procedures related with their specialty. In this section of the web we describe in detail the most frequent surgeries. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Most frequent surgeries

General and digestive system surgeons of CMED perform all surgical procedures related with their specialty. In this section of the web we describe in detail the most frequent surgeries. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Gall and Biliary Ducts


The main problem of the gall and biliary ducts are kidney stones commonly known as stones. Kidney stones are hard deposits similar to rock crystals formed in the biliary gall causing obstruction and inflammation. These stones may be of variable size and number.


Symptoms of biliary stones and other diseases of biliary ducts are varied. They may range from slight abdominal discomfort with heavy digestions to strong pain under the ribs in case of gallstones. Kidney stones may cause acute swelling of the gall (cholecystitis) or if stones exit the gall towards the billys conduct, acute pancreatitis or cholangitis (infection of biliary ducts).


Treatment chosen by CMED is the resection of the damaged gall by laparoscopy. People who have had their gall resected have totally normal lives without restrictions in their life or diet as the body adapts to the new situation soon. There are cases where patient’s conditions do not allow surgery and then it is decided to proceed with a more conservative treatment based on drugs.
If stones remain in the biliary ducts it is necessary to proceed to a special endoscopy known as CPRE (cholangiopancreatpgraphy) which allows the removal of stones without open surgery..

CMED relies on of the most experienced units in gall surgery by laparoscopy in Spain. Twenty years of experience and over 2,000 cases operated make this team of the center one of the highest exponents of this discipline.