Medical-Surgical Center for Digestive Diseases

Tel: +34 91 562 02 90

C/ Oquendo 23, Madrid


General and digestive system surgeons of CMED perform all surgical procedures related with their specialty. In this section of the web we describe in detail the most frequent surgeries. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Most frequent surgeries

General and digestive system surgeons of CMED perform all surgical procedures related with their specialty. In this section of the web we describe in detail the most frequent surgeries. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.



It is the swelling of the appendix, a small organ shaped as a bag where the large intestine and the small intestine meet located at the lower right hand side of the abdomen.
Appendicitis sappears when the appendix is obstructed by food, stools or other reasons such as a tumor. This obstruction causes infection and the subsequent swelling that if it is not controlled quickly may cause peritonitis (general abdominal infection).


Appendicitis may appear at any age, although it is more frequent in young people.
he main symptom is abdominal pain. At first it is located around the umbilicus and it is mild. Afterwards, pain gets more acute and moves to the lower right side of the abdomen. Other symptoms that may accompany are pain without fever, tremors, nauseas, vomits, diarrhea and loss of appetite, among others.


The treatment chosen for appendicitis is surgery to resect the appendix. If done at the beginning of the disease the prognosis is excellent and the recovery fast.
If appendicitis is not diagnosed early, disease can evolve to peritonitis, a much serious disease as it involves an infection of the abdominal cavity with a longer evolution which requires a more complex treatment and of reserved prognosis.

Video about the symptoms of appendicitis