Digestive Tests
Our installations are provided with highly skilled professionals and cutting-edge technology to perform the digestive tests necessary to achieve an early and personalized diagnosis. This combination within the same space provides CMED physicians access to the tests of each patient from their computers.
Esophageal and Rectal Manometry

Esophageal manometry is a test recommended for the diagnosis of esophageal motor disorders or lower esophageal sphincter impairments in the context of symptoms such as dysphagia (swallowing problems) or gastroesophageal reflux.
It is a diagnostic test aimed at measuring the function of the esophagus and its lower esophageal sphincter (valve formed by a muscle which opens to swallow food to the stomach to then close and avoid regurgitation both of food and acids from the stomach).
For the performance of the test, that lasts no more than 20 minutes, the digestive specialist places a thin probe through the nose getting to the stomach of the patient. This probe is connected to a computer which registers the pressure made by the lower esophageal sphincter and the esophageal body. Although it is a painless test it may result uncomfortable during the placing of the probe.
Rectal manometry is the test that serves to measure the function of the final part of the intestine (rectus and anus). It is recommended for the diagnosis of pathologies such as stool incontinence, constipation and anal pain.
The test consists on the introduction of a probe of around 10 centimeters through the anus. It is not painful (does not require anesthesia or sedation) and lasts around 20 minutes.
The probe is connected to a computer which registers and measures the pressure of the rectus and anus when developing a series of actions the specialist directs. Manometry requires some previous instructions and an informed consent both esophageal and rectal.