Medical-Surgical Center for Digestive Diseases

Tel: +34 91 562 02 90

C/ Oquendo 23, Madrid


In this section you have all the information on how to contact CMED by phone and email. You will also find the location of our center and how to get there. Moreover you may check the medical insurance companies we work with.


C/ Oquendo nº 23 Bajo - C.P. 28006 Madrid

Contact Telephone and Email

Telephone: 91 562 02 90   Email:

Media Contact

María Jiménez

How to get there?

Nearest subway station :
Avenida de América (salida Principe de Vergara)
República Argentina (salida Juan de la Cierva)
Bus lines:
9, C1, C2, 16, 19, 51, 12, 73, 29, 52

Opening Hours

Consultations :

Monday - Friday:
from 09:00am to 20:00pm


Monday - Wednesday - Friday:
from 08:30am to 10:00am

Insurance Companies

Patients with Refund Policies from other insurers may also make an appointment with CMED specialists and perform tests in our premises.

For more information, please contact us.