Digestive Tests
Our installations are provided with highly skilled professionals and cutting-edge technology to perform the digestive tests necessary to achieve an early and personalized diagnosis. This combination within the same space provides CMED physicians access to the tests of each patient from their computers.

The colonoscopy is one the main digestive tests both for its diagnostic and therapeutic approach. It consists on the introduction of the colonoscope through the anus to see the whole colon (caecum, ascending, transverse, descending, sigma and rectus) or part of it and the terminal ileum when necessary.
The process can last between 15 and 30 minutes.
The colonoscope is a flexible tube of approximately one centimeter diameter and an extension of less than 2 meters with a camera providing high definition images of the inner anatomy of colon and, through a working channel, it allows the performance of biopsies and the performance of therapeutic procedures for small tumors.
Biopsies, polyps’ resection or any other therapeutic procedure is painless for the patient.
The colonoscopy is intended to diagnose several symptoms and digestive diseases such as:
- Colon Cancer
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Diverticulosis
- Crohn Disease
- Constipation and fecal incontinence
- Chronic diarrhea
- Chronic abdominal pain
- Change of bowel movements
- Rectal bleeding
It is also the main test to prevent colon cancer, a disease that increases the number of cases each year and which if detected in its first stages, has a 95% cure rate.
Aspects of the colonoscopy for the prevention of colorectal cancer
- Healthy patients over 50 years old:: Colon cancer affects mainly people over 50 years of age. Age increases the probability of developing colonic polyps, precursors of most colon cancers if not resected on time.
- Patients with a family history of colon cancer: when a close relative has suffered colon cancer, the probability of developing a colon cancer grows. Therefore it is advisable to have a first colonoscopy at around 40 years of age.
- Patients with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases: Such as Crohn disease or Ulcerative colitis.
Colonoscopies can be performed with or without sedation although it is advisable to do it with anesthesia with sedation. If sedatives were provided during the procedure, someone has to take the patient home therefore it is advised to be accompanied.
Although performing a diagnostic colonoscopy is not essential, given the possibility of having to perform therapeutic actions during the examination, it is convenient that the patient suspends some days in advance any medication taken which may alter coagulation such as anticoagulants, antiplatelet therapy or anti-inflammatories. It may be necessary to request a previous analytic study including coagulation tests. Medication shall not be suspended without physician’s indications.
Although colonoscopies are a safe technique as any other invasive medical procedure it may entail possible complications. Risks in the event of a diagnostic colonoscopy are minimal, being slightly higher in the case of therapeutic colonoscopy.
It requires previous preparation to totally visualize the inside of the colon as, otherwise, a correct view will not be obtained and possible injuries will neither be identified nor treated. Therefore, make sure that you carefully follow the instructions given.